Sunday, March 15, 2015

Windows and special finds.

My request for my fifth wedding anniversary gift was a window for the tiny house.  My husband replied in his usual way, half disbelief and half shock.  Where you going to put it?  You're not starting to build yet.  What do you want that for?  I've learned over the ten years we've been together; that we work better together if I give him time to adjust to what it is I'm looking for.  He does not like change, any change.  Even something as simple as moving furniture, throws him for a loop.  I tend to think fast and be a little chaotic.  So to keep the peace I spring things on him in small chunks.  He is still disgruntled but short of sheer panic.  This way we both get to be happy in the end.  Our anniversary was 3/12.  We didn't have a chance to go to the Restore until 3/14 but I was still holding out for the tiny house window.  I wanted something decorative for the front of the house, back of the trailer.  I had searched on line and the prices were enough to cause shock and panic.  I was holding out hope for the Restore.  We actually have three Restores fairly close by.  The third one was the charm, the mother load, the cats butt.  I found four decorative windows and two sliding vinyl windows for the kitchen area.  The first trip we bought a decorative window for $35, yippee.  It fit in our Honda and we were off.  During the afternoon I kept thinking about getting one more decorative window and the two vinyl sliders.  By four O clock, I wanted to go back.  They closed at five and are closed Sunday.  My husband is making a book shelf and he wanted to go get supplies for that so, we were off.  I explained to him that I would prefer to use Restore windows on our build rather than order new ones when the time comes.  If you are willing to be flexible with the size of the window you can get them from the Restore and plan the construction around what you find.  He reluctantly agreed.  Because we were buying so much they gave us a discount.  The second decorative window was $25 and the two sliders were marked down to $110 each.  I feel good about our finds.  The final picture is of a glass doored cabinet I bought a couple weeks ago for $15 at another Restore.  I added a couple more shelves and a lip to prevent items from sliding forward on the shelves; plus I loved painting it wild and crazy colors.  I enjoy finding these special finds for our tiny house build and working some magic to give a splash of color and fun.  What joy this brings.  I wish you all joy in the simple things life has to offer.

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