Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Down sizing

I have been down sizing for years.  I gave myself very liberal standards at first.  An example would be if I hadn't used it in five years it is time to go.  That helped me to let go of some things.  One excuse I had for holding on to, say, my kayaks, was how valuable I thought they were.  Then I had this thought that very little gets better with age and how selfish I was preventing someone else from enjoying these items.  That did it.  Out, out, with it all, lol.  Even looking at my kitchen, I had a couple homes worth of dishes and pots and pans I could shed.  I started with things I didn't think would be too painful, like dishes.  I bet I passed on to others more than 10 baking pans alone!  Who needs to hoard baking dishes?  Ten really, I had them so stacked that it was hard to get any that weren't right on top out.  Watch out for the avalanche.  Another excuse I have for holding on to something is that it is part of a set.  So what I never have used what ever it is, I cling to it like my life depends on it.  Crazy really.  What will happen if a set gets broken?  Will it be on the news?  How many dishes does a person need to function?  My husband washes our dishes, I know I'm spoiled rotten.  Naah not rotten, just happy.  We rarely if ever use more than four plates down my pile of say 20.  I did thin the plates but it is hard to let go of more.  I will do battle from within and reduce to no more than six of any one item.  The sink will never be full of dishes and have the whole family show up at once for a multi course meal.  I do not need to be prepared for the ten year storm.  It really is okay.  
This last fall I convinced my husband that we really didn't use the rocking chair we had in the living room and we should pass it on to someone that would enjoy it.  When he agreed it could go, I quickly loaded it in the car before he could change his mind.  Off we went to leave it at the free area of our dump.  I love the dump, have I told you that before?  Before I even left, one of our dump ladies brought the rocker into the building.  I went up and told them with a big smile, "I am so glad you liked the chair and it will get used."  The wonderful woman in charge of the dump told me it was top of the wish list for someone.  Boy that made me happy.  Just as I had gotten my stainless steel sink, someone else will have a rocker to enjoy.  When I look at the place the rocker sat for years, I smile.  Boy it feels good to let go.  I wish for you all the joy of giving.  It is so much better than hoarding. 

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